Galleri ROM, Oslo 27.10 – 27.11 2016
Potential was an exhibition about aesthetic expressions inspired by repair, in a broad sense. The show was the second part of Gallery ROM’s exploration of aesthetics, ethics and pragmatics of REPAIR and was also part of Tegnebiennalen 2016: Skissen.
Curators: Eva Bakkeslett, Ola Sendstad and Elise Storsveen
Producer: Henrik der Minassian, Galleri ROM
When designing and making objects, buildings and spaces, the past and present may appear as constraints for new projects. In this exhibition, three architects and two artists showed how to expand the existing, and how the concept of repair could offer enriching solutions and new expressions.
Rodeo Architects, Tandberg Architects, Tredje Natur, Kari Steihaug and Kristoffer Myskja were given the same challenge: to explore and express the aesthetic potential of repair. They all produced works for this exhibition with different but mutually enriching expressions.
The potential of repair is not to obtain the universal and perfect, but in the uniquely adapted and continuously flexible. This can happen regardless, whether you are darning socks or restoring areas for nature in urban spaces.