CULTURING – sourdough bread, bacteria and more-than-human perspectives.

A workshop for the Down to Earth Festival.

An aesthetic and sensory workshop where a practical introduction in how to bake your own sourdough bread provides insight into more-than-human perspectives. As the bread is becoming, we explored the creative world of bacterial cultures and our collective understanding of the intertwined nature of existence.

  • You get to know a 100-year-old bacterial culture from Russia and learn to bake sourdough bread through a sensory process.
  • You go home with your own bread under your arm, sourdough starter in a jamjar and insight into the creative universe of bacterial cultures.


Down to Earth Festival, Levetthuset, Hovedøya, Oslo, 13th-15th of September 2019

Down to Earth was a weekend festival where engaged artisans, crafters and designers came together to present and talk about their work, different craft techniques and unique materials drawn from nature.

Working with craft means to invest in time. Slow time. All the objects exhibited at Down to Earth and the workshops given comes from caring and ethical choices that represent an alternative to the mass produced. In Down to Earth it is not just about the well-made craft object, but also about telling stories through materials and to show that objects are not only functional, but also bearers of meaning.

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