The book Playing For Time – art is if the world matters was launched at the The Free World Centre in London on the 26th of March.  A beautiful and collaborative book conceived and pulled together by wonderful Lucy Neil, assisted by Charlotte Du Cann and co-written by several artist including myself. Available from Oberon Books for £19.99.

“This groundbreaking handbook is a resource for artists, community activists and anyone wishing to reach beyond the facts and figures of science and technology to harness their creativity to make change in the world.This timely book explores the pivotal role artists play in re-thinking the future; re-inventing and re-imagining our world at a time of systemic change and uncertainty. Playing for Time identifies collaborative arts practices emerging in response to planetary challenges, reclaiming a traditional role for artists in the community as truth-tellers and agents of change.
Sixty experienced artists and activists give voice to a new narrative – shifting society’s rules and values away from consumerism and commodity towards community and collaboration with imagination, humour, ingenuity, empathy and skill. Inspired by the grass-roots Transition movement, modelling change in communities worldwide, Playing for Time joins the dots between key drivers of change – in energy, finance, climate change, food and community resilience – and ‘recipes for action’ for readers to take and try.”
See also Taking Yoghurt to the Next Level – in Lucy Neil’s blog.


Playing for Time: Making Art as if the World Mattered

Binding: PaperBack | Page extent: 480  ISBN: 9781783191864

Author: Lucy Neil assisted by Charlotte Du Cann and cowritten by Lucy Neil, assisted by Charlotte Du Cann and co-written by several artist including myself.

Available from Oberon Books for £19.99.

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