Repair your toaster, save the world, meet new people and learn from each other! We consume and throw away more and more, but a countercurrent of repair is under way. On the 10th-12th of March 2017, Gallery ROM organised a Repair more day to inspire people to join this movement.

Together with the eclectic and interdisciplinary Finnish art group Pixelache we repaired, recycled and re-designed and listened to inspiring talks.

Kick-off party with engaging talks about repair, recycling, resource use and creative interaction.


Look after what you’ve got.

Martin Leander Brandtzæg from Friends of the Earth (Naturvernforbundet) presented the campaign Look after what you’ve got and the work they do to promote repair culture as part of the green shift.

Repair café

Elin Wyller and Stephanie Degenhardt from Transition Sagene talked about repair cafes as places to create an alternative to consumer culture and rekindle lost knowledge of how to repair clothes and things. Here anyone can come and get help to fix their favourite sweater, learn how to stop a sock or how to make something new from used clothes. In a casual setting, they offer professional assistance with repairs, and coffee and cakes.


Trade Day

Marie Nord presented the concept Trade Day. These are events where people swap clothes with each other. Trade Day wants to lessen the shopping pressure among young people, raise awareness of consumption, and tries to put an end to overproduction of clothes. Swapping on Trade day is both an effective way of sharing clothes, a social meeting place and a visualisation of the huge amount of clothes that are left unused in Norwegian closets.

Trashlab and Hacklab

Justin Tyler Tate about Mikko Laajola from Pixelache in Finland will tell about the interdisciplinary platform and the Pixelache festival and share experiences with creating social community around repairing, thinking about new challenges, challenging overuse and inspiring reuse. They will also tell about their workshops the following days: TRASHLAB and HACKLAB.

Jean Tinguely, “Radio Sculpture” (1962, detail, photo by Hyperallergic)

Saturday 11.03, at. 12:00 – 17:00:



As the only country in the world, Norway has turned off the FM network. Thousands of radios are thus useless. We will do something about this in the ROM ROM: REPAIR gallery. We invite you to Radio Hacklab! Here we meet new FM frequencies. Inspired by Pixelache’s eminent hack artists and Jean Tiguelys imaginative radio sculptures, we fix FM in conjunction with new prospects!

Open to lovers of creativity of all ages. Bring an old radio or two and other bits and bobs that may useful.

Attending Hacklab is free, but requires registration due to a limited number of seats. Sign up by sending an email to Sign up in good time!

This is suitable for children, adolescents and adults alike. The gallery has tools, materials, coffee / tea and snacks. Bring something that’s broken.

Sunday 12.03, at. 12:00 – 17:00


Trashlab is a repair and maintenance workshop. All you need is something that is broken and the desire to learn to fix it. We can assist the repair of clothes, electronics, bicycles, small furniture, lamps, toys, computers, mobile phones etc.

Attendance at Trashlab is free, but requires registration due to a limited number of seats. Sign up by sending an email to and give us some idea about what you want to repair. Sign up in good time!

This is suitable for children, adolescents and adults alike. The offers  tools, materials, coffee / tea and snacks. Bring something that’s broken.


REPAIR MORE! is part of Gallery ROM’s ongoing exploration of repair as aesthetics, pragmatics and ethics, curated by Eva Bakkeslett and Ola Sendstad.


REPAIR was a project I co-curated for Gallery ROM in Oslo exploring how personal commitment and architectural, artistic and other creative and performing arts practices can influence the shaping of society and the physical world around us. An interdisciplinary profile and the audience as participants were important ingredients.

REPAIR is about seeing new opportunities in a world of transition – through transformation, repair, restoration, reconstruction and addition. REPAIR is also about finding inspiration and acquiring new skills to participate and influence the process of change. Through tangible and imaginative ideas, and through making and thinking we seek to create engagement, action and knowledge for change. Our aim is not a quest for perfect, universal or eternal solutions, but about the possibilities and qualities in the continuation of something already existing.

In the project period 2016 and 2017 we curated the following interdisciplinary exhibitions:

Little Norway, Potensial, Occupy/Resist/Produce and the event Reparer mer.


Eva Bakkeslett, Artist and curator

Ola Sendstad, Architect, cultural conservationist and curator.

REPAIR was produced by Henrik Minassian, director at Galleri ROM.


Arkitektur N 1/2017, Ingerid Almaas


Aftenposten 27. februar 2017, Kjetil Røed


Arkitektktnytt 15. september: Frykten for det banale

“Et høydepunkt på årets arkitekturtriennale befinner seg utenfor hovedutstillingene på Doga og arkitekturmuseet. På Galleri Rom fortelles historien om den norske paviljongen på verdensutstillingen i Chicago i 1893, en stavkirkepastisj bygget på ferdighusfabrikk i Orkdal og sendt over havet som byggesett.”

DSC_0032 (1).jpg

NRK Østlandssendingen 8. september.


NRK Trøndelag 4. september: The Norway Building endelig hjemme.


Nasjonen 14. september: Bygda som rieser en stavkirke på dugnad 

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