

Alkymi – kunsten å hugvende, Fagseminar i samarbeid med SKINN, Bodø Rømmekolle Revival Pop-up, Bardu bygdekvinnelag


WOW – Magic meetings between art and children. Talk and workshop, Musam Vesterålen, Sortland/Risøyhamn

WOW – Magic meetings between art and children. Talk and workshop, Conference Kulturbarn-0-8, Oslo

Making culture – preparing the ground for fertile growth, Kunst og samfunnsansvar, Bodø Biennale, Bødø

Voicing Your Future, Art and Radical Pedagogy International Summit, Bellingham, US


Rømmekolle Revival – a cultural revelation, Bodø Art Society.

Revolution – women in the green shift, KUN centre for gender equality, Steigen



Rømmekolle Revival, The New Eden, Article Biennalen, Stavanger Kulturhus

Gut Feelings, The New Eden, Article Biennalen, Stavanger Kulturhus

How to become a cultural activist, The New Eden, Article Biennalen, Stavanger Kulturhus

Gut Feelings, in collaboration with Tromsø Folkekjøkken and High North AiR Network, Tromsø

Gut Feelings- fermenting collaborative cultures, Climate Existence, Cemus, Uppsala University



Micropractice – Social fermentation and cross cultural collaboration, Artist Centre, Arkhangelsk

Mellomrom, A performative talk, Nordnorsk Kunstnersenter, Svolvær

Rømmekolle Revival, Barents Bird Festival, Murmansk, Russia

Rømmekolle Revival – A performative talk, Barents Spektakel, Kirkenes

Alt henger sammen med alt – Artist talk, Østfold kunstnersenter, Fredrikstad

Artist talk, Nordland Kunst og Filmskole, Kabelvåg

Crossing Contexts, Presentasjon/talk, Nordic Summer University, Tallin, Estonia



A gathering of the ar(c)t(ic) tribesArt and Activism part 2, Moderator, Mo i Rana,

Center for Ecological Economics, Workshops and talks for MA students, University of Bodø

Green Art Lab Alliance, Swedish Exhibition Agency, Gotland, Sweden

The Future is Bright – Rethink and Re-imagine, Workshop, United World College – Sustainability Conference, St Donats Castle, Wales,

A gathering of the ar(c)t(ic) tribessocially engaged art and activism, Svolvær, Norway

Artist talk, Galleri Nord-Norge, Harstad, Norway



The Art of Discovering New Perspectives, Seminar Green Lights for the Arts, Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden

Living Cultures Fermentation workshop, Fintry Trust, Brook, (Quarterly workshops)

ARTificial fertiliser, Ny Ork, Cafédialog, Porsgrunn

Out of our Minds, Crafts and Social Change Conference, Norwegian Crafts, Toinbee Hall, London


The art of looking sideways – the practice of art and ecology Center for Ecological Economics, Masterstudies students, University College. Bodø

Living Cultures – Fermentation as social imagination + The art of seeing patterns that connect

Cartographies Of Hope: Change Narratives, DOX centre for contemporary arts, Prague, Czech Republic

Art at the turningpoint, Centre for Ecological Economics, Bodø Norway

Art and Climate adaptation, Booklaunch ”Klimatilpasninger -hva betyr det for meg”. Litteraturhuset, Oslo, Norway

Ecocultures 2012- reaching towards sustainability through artistic practice,

Essex University, Colchester, UK

Artist Talk, Barents Spektakel, Kirkenes,

The Poetics of bread, Vadsø Museum, Vadsø, Norway



Living Cultures – from counteraction to fermentation, TEDx, Tromsø

Cultivating a living aesthetics, North-Norwegian Architect Association, Tromsø, Norway

Pecha Cucha, Tromsø, Norway

In through the heart or the brain?, Festival of ideas; Climatechange, University of Oslo, Norway

Art-ificial fertiliser – sustainable connections between nature and culture, Art in Landscape festival, GRIP, Fykse, Norway

Art and Ecology, Talk and workshop, Academy of Arts, Tromsø, Norway

Gentle Actions, Seminar about Art and Ecology at KHIO (Art and Design University), Oslo, Norway

Tiger in the bonnet, Talk at the conference The Cultural Hook, Salten Kulturutvalg, Engeløya, Norway

Living Cultures – A perfomance talk about yoghurt and cultures that form and transform, Bø, Engeløya, Norway

From anticulture to proculture– groundbreaking yoghurt and aesthetic observations. Nordland Regional Hospital, Bodø, Norway



From apathy to activism – Culture as a catalyst for living communities, Centre for Ecologic Economy and Ethics, University College Bodø, Kjerringøy, Norway                       



To be the change you want to see in the world – lecture about Arts and

 Ecology, Nordland Art and Filmschool and Lofoten Folkehøyskole,  Kabelvåg in Lofoten, Norway

To be or not to be Ethical and aesthetical perspectives on nature as resource, Lecture and seminar, Afrika/Now, Leknes/Svolvær, Norway